File Releases
This is an almost generic binary compilation of the full development suite. It will run on slackware 10-10.2(tested) but probably on any linux that has the proper libraries. Give it a try and if doesn't work compile your own. It doesn't need root access unles you can't access the device port for programming. See SF-FileRelease notes for details.
AT-Mega128 Development Board
This board is devloped completely using GEDA-PCB, not schematic capture were used to create the current release since netlist was created in vim. It uses 2 sided PCB and it's enough to run Contiky or NUTOS over it without the ethernet capabilities. Probably the licensing for it will be CC(see footer) since GPL is not really aplicable here.
Magic Term
This is the first real release of the YAUCP project. This serial port terminal(basically a miniterm,based on pyserial) will enable you to do:
- STDOUT Replacements Can use several rules s/// to replace incoming strings before passing them to the terminal
- Several Log Files Can log to several different files based on REGEXP rules.
- Replacements before LOG Can do several s/// replacements before writing to the Log files.
- Commands on LOG Can trigger several commands when a LOG match appears.
- String Triggers Can trigger return strings when REGEXP matches or LOG match appears.
The s///igI rules can even be interactive but I can't recommend it here :P.
Soon these tools will be moved to the Bandicoot Project, those will be kept in the CVS for historical reasons.
- Materm Simple aterm wrapper.
- grl Get Random Line from file.
- roll Roll some dices under the ad&d style
- update_backgrounds Scrip that updates a list from a dir, intended to keep updated a list of images to set for background
CVS Repository
- instrumentacion First project under an advanced state. It does signal conditoning, and sends data thru MODBUS ASCII to the master application. All the code is there but not the schematics or any hardware info.
- testing Code for AVR under testing, probably not working.
- tools Some tools for shell AVR development
- user_tools Same as release, yet CVS
- hardware Some PCB's and some hardware info